So, my first publishing on "The Sweater" is a short story in the horror genre. Here is the back cover copy: A young couple, Tom and Anne Settler, live normal, just-making-it lives. Tom's job pays the bills, mostly. When a mysterious entity threatens their way of life, as well as their sanity, will they be able to hold things together? Or will the shadows claim them?
I am truly proud of this story. I have it priced at $0.99. What's not to love? You can pick it up for less than the cost of a soda. Some people have already asked me, "But I don't own a Kindle. How am I supposed to read it?" I present to you Kindle for PC!
What I want all of you to do is this: please tell two people about this short story. It's a buck. It's quick. And it's creepy!
Thank you very much.
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