Thursday, April 14, 2011

Planning and Numbers

I have to rant for just a minute or two. I am in the middle of writing my first complete novel. After quite a bit of deliberation on the subject (and life in general), I decided to epub the book on Amazon, B&N, and the other digital media outlets. I read some blogs of authors who are adamantly against this practice citing that their epub sales make up less than 1% of their total sales margins. Now, let's look at the facts for a second or three. Each and every person that I have seen this argument from is looking at a couple of VERY skewed numbers.

1.) Their books are released in print form first. Then several months later the digital format hits the downloads. What? I can't fathom this. This isn't even a post about the fact that traditional (legacy if you must) publishing puts most new books out several months beyond their completion date. At times they even leave the contract nebulous for months after the "hand shake deal" is struck. But, back on topic, if the book is released in print first and the epub is only an afterthought, you can't really compare the total sales numbers accurately. There is too much separation of product.

2.) The more gaping flaw in this logic, is the fact that I have yet to see a single person post that their digitals sold 1% of their total sales volume that didn't have their book priced obscenely high. Come on, $9.98 for an epub, when the paper version is $9.99?!!?!!?! Really?

Let's look at the numbers on this one. You sell 100 books at $10. That's $1000 in sales which amounts to $150 in royalties for the average contract. Then you sell 1 ebook at $10, making you guessed it $1.50. Now, let's put the numbers in the right perspective. Sell that same 100 books at $10. There you go $150. Put the digital book at a much MUCH more reasonable price, say $2.99 or $3.99. Let's use $2.99 for this example. If you posted it yourself you get 70% of that... SO about $2. Sell the same amount dollar wise and you get 3.33 sales for the $10 sale OR $7 royalty. With the same 1% of total sales dollars, you end up with an extra meal at a fast food restaurant. HOWEVER, if Wal-Mart has taught us anything at all, it's that when you LOWER price, you increase total sales exponentially. You might not make quite as much per item, but your number of sales will vastly overpower that. But why settle for 15% when you can get 70% on your own.

I know my numbers are skewed some, but there is SOLID statistical data compiled by others JA Konrath for one. I know everyone cites him, but there are dozens of others.

It's not guaranteed, but the numbers just make WAY more sense to keep my digital rights and run with it. Especially since my wife has worked as a proofer/editor before.

But on a different and more personal note, my kids are awesome! My little boy hit a double today and ended up scoring. He also fielded a ball hit near him. (He plays Tball, so these things are great victories.) My youngest child is adorable, so much so that in fact an old man randomly stopped and interrupted his own conversation to tell her and my grandmother that she is absolutely beautiful. Creepy and sweet at the same time. My stepdaughter and son are both showing that they are growing into quite the young adults. At times, I know what my mother meant by the phrase, "I hope you have children just like you one day." Part compliment and part prophetic curse. Well, not so much a compliment, but oh well. My wife is amazing. She astounds me every day with her ability to clarify what I am trying to say to myself. In my writing and my life. I am very happy with where my life is and is leading. Times are tough. We struggle. But we push ahead.

If you are still reading, check out my book, Bound by Blood, it should be out on in late summer. In the mean time, leave a comment below.


Anita said...

It'll be out sooner than that, if I have anything to say about it. Oh wait...I DO! :)

Michael Reynolds said...

You are such a slave driver. So that's the scoop folks. My wife says it will be sooner than late summer. Anyone else have a wife that awesome out there?

I didn't think so.

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