Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Time to Revisit my Outline

I have finished Chapter 3 and started Chapter 4 of my upcoming novel, Bound by Blood. I just sat back down and plotted a large part of the rest of the story. This has given me a pretty strong idea of the rest of the book and the point of views that I want to pursue. I am loving the process of writing. I have been taking some time to really get to know the industry of writing as well.

My main protagonist has been a little flat, so he and I had to spend some time together over the past couple of days. I think that he, and perhaps I, have come to a better understanding of who he is and should be. It turns out that the most fleshed out character in the story has completed her part of the story by Chapter 4 except perhaps a brief return later. But she's just so much fun to write.

Lately, I have been battling the standard fears that most new writers go through. Unfortunately, I have this deep seated need for personal validation. I read through my rough draft so far and am finding some so-so wording and occasional repetitiveness. Perhaps, that's to be expected. What it sets up in my mind is the idea that I am a terrible writer. Because of this, I have been considering posting something here so see what people say about it. Not sure I have enough of a following to warrant that. Let's check, um... followers 0. So nope. But if you happen to read this and want me to post up a bit, leave a comment and I will see what I can dig up.

Either way, I will have something to post up here pretty soon. I hope to be finished with my rough draft by the end of the month. Then spend the next bit editing and looking for cover art. Marketing is a different kind of beast though. I am still working on marketing strategies. The typical Blogs, Tweets, and Facebook stuff will only get me so far without people already knowing me. If you have suggestions, chime in.


Anita said...

I think you're a good storyteller. You just need a bit of editing. :P

And I'm so very proud of you!!!

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