Thursday, April 28, 2011

A fun new way to write

So, last night I managed to crank as much as I would normally do in two nights of writing. I would have to say that it is entirely thanks to the genius of one person: @MonicaMarieH . She has created this cleaver Twitter hashtag #wordmongering. This is a 30 minute on/30 minute off blitz style of writing. Now, my friend @Pensake is who I really noticed using #wordmongering. I thought I would jump in and see what it was all about. I noticed the first hour to be really refreshing, even though I was writing away on my iPod. For anyone who has never done this, let me tell you that it is sloooooow. But I managed a respectable number.

Fast forward. I have done this for about three hours now and am farther along in my novel than I would have been otherwise. I think there may be a few sections in need of editing, but they are saved on a draft now. Great! This may be the tool that my ADHD driven mind needs to blast away at my writing.

So, if you see any weird tweets from me in the near future gloating about word counts, don't fret. I am not crazy. Just encouraging fellow writers with some good natured ribbing.

Oh, also check out my wife's blog. She's new and going to do some book reviews soon. Send her a comment or a follow or something. Also if you aren't following me. You should be. I am fun.


Monica-Marie Holtkamp said...

Thank you for this glowing report of #wordmongering! Yep....ADHD WAS the reason I started working like this. Sitting still to me is the equivalent of touching "ewwie" things....I can do it if I HAVE to....but I'd much rather not HAVE to! I can't take TOTAL credit for this though! @notveryalice helped come up with the name & was cheering right along side! Also, like you mentioned turning off the editor until later is so freeing. You get something to actually edit when all is said and done!

Anyone is invited to join in on our Tweet cheer sessions! Unite & Write! Let's all get our novels to a point where we'll be proud to tell people "Yep, I'm just about done writing my current novel" With a little smirk that shows that you've really accomplished something! Have fun....& remember Unite & Write!

Michael Reynolds said...

Absolutely. Easily doubling my word count every night I participate. No matter how long. Where I would hit a certain number in 3 hours. I now hit double that in 3 hours, AND I am writing for only half the time.

I think it's honestly the discipline of ONLY writing for results for a half hour combined with the reward of Twittering/FBing/Blogging/picking your nose or whatever for the other half that does the trick.

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