Monday, June 27, 2011


For about a month now, I have been working on fleshing out an alternate history world for my next writing forays. I think I have finally settled on a solid formation of history. My world has a solid mix of magic, mayhem, clockwork robots, zombies, and Nazis. Imagine, if you could for a minute, a world where Nazis control the western world, Hitler is an immortal sorcerer, and if starvation doesn't kill you, the zombies just might. Now compound this with tons of real world historical references to the occult and there you have it. A zombie apocalypse full of Nazis, steam punk, and magic.

In other news, the overtime at my day job just kicked in. Hopefully, this will not cut into my writing time too much, especially since this novel idea just congealed. Both of my daughters have swimming lessons this week. I love my life.

Some blogs to check out this week if you have time:

  • and for my hockey friends
That's just a few shout-outs. And as always, Be good, but have fun.


Sneha Sunny said...

that would be a creepy situation. No thanks, I'm fine here.LOL
You can make an interesting story with that situation.

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